Upon arrival in St. Roch, Camille is struck with immediate disaster, intensifying a lurking illness and sending the unsuspecting nerd down a path of moonlit racing and hooliganism with the other local youth. That alone would be enough to make anyone think the town was bad news, but the locals' peculiar phrase of parting raises St. Roch's travel advisory to cursed:
"Keep it in, and don't get lost."
Burnout Dogs is made using Renpy Visual Novel Engine, and a special thanks to Beuc's RenpyWeb HTML5 port for making it possible to share this project.
All music and SFX used in Burnout Dogs is used from the Sheridan College Sound Library, where I am currently studying.
Website was built by LSDolphin!

I'm Danny, and I make the wolves happen with my own two mitts. BD is my first long-term artistic project, and is a marriage of my love for retro aesthetic, small town gothic, and my ocs. I'm currently studying a BAA in animation; I'm in my third year come September. I'm really just a simple creature who enjoys outdoorsy stuff and drawing. You can find me on social media here: